Thursday, July 8, 2010

Loooonnnggg day!

Hello everyone!

We had a ton of appointments today, saw so many different facets of the cancer process. We found out that Dad's cancer looks more like esophageal and not stomach. We are going to start radiation and chemo before the surgery in hopes that the doctor can save extra stomach tissue. I will scan in some of the mementos of the day for everyone to see. Dad has an endoscopy and full pulmonary work up tomorrow, so I will be sure to update if we learn anything new!

Lots of Love,


  1. Uncle Dan!!! You can do it. Know I'm thinking about you alot. You are a strong man and always have been. I have full faith and confidence in your strength! Kate, thank you for this.

  2. Hey Mark!

    Thank you so much for the post, I am going to show it to Dad tonight! I wasn't sure if anyone was reading this but I am glad you are!

    Have a great day!
