Friday, July 9, 2010

Well here it is...

Alright everyone, are you sitting down? Of course you are, this is a computer! Dad is going to be receiving a feeding tube on Monday to help him receive nutrition. The irritation in his esophagus has made eating rather difficult and he is having a really hard time getting balanced nutrition. Once he has surgery he will need one for a little while anyway, so we are just getting an early start. This will also help while he is receiving chemo and radiation, since we all know that the side effects of those treatments tend to be rough on the body. The feeding tube will be inserted laparoscopically, so the recovery time will be pretty easy.

To keep everyone updated on a hourly basis I have started a twitter account. Feel free to follow us!

Dad had another endoscopy today and we finally got a stage from a doctor. The stage T3N1, but don't google it...we are not statistics! The endoscopy showed that there are some pretty good sized ulcers on the tumor, which means Dad needs to be on a liquid diet. The ulcers are actually probably what saved Dad's life. They caused the soreness that brought Dad to the doctor in the first place. Dad is not super thrilled about the liquid diet but he enjoyed a McDonalds's Hot Fudge sundae today. Icecream for dinner? Sounds like Dad is pretty happy to me!

Dad also had a complete Pulmonary Test today and guess what? He was ABOVE normal! Wonderful! The stronger your lung function is, the better you will do with surgery.

Please send Dad some love, he is feeling pretty down trodden right now.

I added some pictures in the next post. I edited the time so this one will show first.

Lots of love,



  1. Dan,
    I'm going to have ice cream for dinner tonight too, ONLY because I don't want you to feel alone in this. These are just the simple sacrifices I am willing to make for you. You can thank me later.

  2. Thank you for the sacrifice Mark...every little bit helps.

  3. (It's Amy)
    Ok - so, I'm not as funny as Mark, but please know that we are thinking about you and praying for you every day! We can't imagine how difficult all of this must be, but hope knowing that you have family that loves you will bring you some comfort. Katie, thank you for the blog - we read and appreciate the daily updates! We wish you all the best this week. Much love - Amy and Drew

    "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous hand." Isaiah 41:10
